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About myself and my orientations

I have many years experience, having started counselling in 1994.  I then trained as a psychotherapist at, Spectrum Training, one of the oldest and largest humanistic therapy centres in the world, graduating in 2001.  I also hold a Certificate in the Therapeutic and Educational Application of the Arts from The Institute for the Arts in Therapy and Education, London and have done further training in other many areas including Groupwork and Couples and Relational Counselling. 

We each have a body that receives, transmits, predicts and interprets our experience of relating to each other and to the world.  Therefore becoming much more aware of my body and how it responds has been an important part of my growth and has informed how I respond to clients.  I have done this through meditative movement, yoga and massage.  Spectrum training incorporated the body psychotherapy approach
 of Stanley Kellerman known as Formative Psychology and I have done further training in Embodied Relational Therapy.  

My main theoretical influences are Humanistic particularly Gestalt Psychotherapy; Ecopsychology and The Transpersonal.  However I also integrate other strands - eg NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) CBT (Cognitive Behavourable Therapy), Psychoanalytical understandings such as transference, parallel process, projections - into my work when this is helpful. 

In my couples therapy, I draw on The Developmental Model, PAIRS, Attachment styles, Gestalt, Emotionally Focussed Therapy, RLT and Systems Therapy. 

I am especially interested in how we can become fully mature and fulfilled, not just within our human culture, but within the wider world (the focus of ecopsychotherapy).  I have done further training in Wild Therapy.

"Katrina was very kind to me at a difficult time in my life.  I highly recommend Katrina for her compassion, empathy and warmth."


I am experienced in the corporate world, having worked for some years in blue-chip companies - such as Unilever, Glaxo Smith Kline and L’Oreal Golden - in brand management, market research and consumer insight.   I have been a Consultant in Consumer Insight for quango and ex-civil-service organisations, eg English Tourism Council and The Post Office; and for small private companies.  I am therefore familiar with a range of work cultures.  I have experience of coaching people within my team, as well as people who have come to me in my private practice with work-related issues.


"Katrina is a warm, safe, competent, brave, creative and gifted therapist. I have recommended many people to her since and will continue to do so.”

I try to live my life in a spiritual way.  For instance, to connect everyday with the wonder of this world, to make ethical choices and to be comfortable with the unknown.  

I have led workshops on releasing the creative spirit into writing, and on creativity and healing.  I was a founding member of Groundtruth Playback Theatre Company, which re-enacts audience member's stories to create community and acceptance.  I have over 30 years experience of dancing Gabrielle Roth's Five Rhythms dance, a means of self-knowledge through movement. 

"Katrina helped us to really talk honestly with each other. She was also able to help me express and channel my considerable rage, which could have felt very unsafe without adequate support and appropriate containment. Her consulting room felt like a safe place to say things I couldn’t say elsewhere. I got to say what I needed to say without it destroying us!" 

Being a mother has given me hands-on experience of how we nurture children and introduce them to the culture we live in; how they thrive, learn and individuate; how to manage different temperaments and deal with changing sibling relationships. 

I also have experience working with ADHD, people living with disability, autistic people, young homeless people, refugees, children and elderly people.     
"You have been so easy and refreshing to open up and talk to." (Paula).
I am on the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists.  The register is assessed and accredited under a scheme set up by the Department of Health and administered by an independent body, accountable to Parliament, the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (the Authority).  Accreditation means that the BACP Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists meets the Authority's high standards in governance, standard-setting, education and training, management, complaints and information