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Session timing and frequency

Psychotherapy and Counselling usually takes place weekly in a session lasting 55 minutes.  Occasionally sessions, particularly those for couples, can take place more frequently or less frequently and/or longer sessions of 90 minutes or 120 minutes can be negotiated in advance. 

The initial session

I offer a 30 minute session for free.

In this I can tell you more about the way I work and you can say what leads you to consider Psychotherapy or Relational Counselling and ask me any questions.   From this session we can decide whether we will work with one another. 

You can either go away after 30 minutes and think about whether you wish to book another session or not; or you might want to continue on to have a full session in which case it would be half your usual fee.


My standard fee per session is £75 for individuals and £85 for couples.  I appreciate that not everyone will find that affordable. So as to make my work available to more people, I can make reductions so that you pay as much as you can comfortably afford between the standard fee and the minimum.  The minimum is £50 for couples or for evening appointments, £35 for individuals attending during the daytime.  How much you pay is based on trust, not on a means test. However I may discuss your fee amount with you if you seem to paying significantly more or less than you can afford.  

The fee is payable in cash or cheque or via bank transfer on the day of the session.

Online, face-to-face or telephone sessions

My Chipstead CR5 premises are in a well-insulated garden room, with space for us to sit 2m apart.  If we are meeting online then you need to have privacy, a good internet connection and access to a computer with webcam and sound. Ideally put your screen on a firm service, not swaying on your lap.  Phoning just requires privacy and some clients have found good privacy in their (parked) car.

"Katrina and I spoke over Skype which was ideal for me as I am disabled, but it felt like we were in the same space" Steph

Accessibility : In Chipstead, my practice room is up a step and regrettably I do not have a waiting room.  

Professional and Ethical Standards

I am a Registered Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).  I also belong to various other groups providing professional support.

I work to the BACP ethical framework assuring you of the highest standards of integrity, impartiality and respect (see links below).  Our work is confidential except for some very limited circumstances (such as me being approached under the prevention of terrorism act) which I will outline when we meet.   
